Saturday, June 30, 2007
do you know what it feels like being alone.
do you know what it feels like being in a room
do you know what it feels like spending most of your time
do you? do you? do you?
do you know what it feels like to be in my place even just for a while?
sensitivity people. a little bit of that would help.
i am not being selfish. i have had just enough of it already.
nasan sila?
i don't know.
and don't let it reach to the point that my answer would be
i don't care.
because i'm moving out,
for good.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
let's get this over with.

oha oha. panis kayo sa background music ko! =) hahaha. alala ko favorite song ko pa yan dati eh. :) hahaha. those were the days. camown. haha.
anyway highway.
i miss a lot of people. i miss a lot of things. i miss the way how things were used to be.
i miss HIGHSCHOOL. so overrated. i know. eh sa miss ko na ang seton eh bakit ba. hahaha. i miss flag ceremony!(under the heat of the sun! hey do they still do that? HAHA.) i miss praying before and after the class. (st.elizabeth ann seton, pray for us. aaaaaaaaaawwwwwww! i miss that! :( not majority of our school population's catholic, so we don't practice that kind of thing i guess.) i miss the trellis. i miss sir iean castellano and ms. grace. i miss intrams. i miss wearing a uniform. i miss pangangarir ng mga projects. i miss the audi. i miss cws. i miss the highs and lows of higschool. but most of all i miss the people in MY highschool. you guys are just irreplaceable. (to the the left. HAHA.)
i missmissmissmissmissmiss all the things/people i lovelovelove.
bakit ba laging tuwing start ng sem, trip down memory lane ako lagi. hahahaha. sume-senti lang. healthy naman yang pa emote-emote paminsan-minsan eh. hahahaha.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
who am i?
Who am I?
I often find myself asking that question too, most of the time. And I have never really found the perfect answer yet. I think no one can really describe oneself perfectly from head to toe, heart and soul. But then again, there’s no harm in trying.
I have two completely different persons in my body. So that makes me weird and complicated. I am a happy-go-lucky type of person but know when to be serious when the occasion calls for it. One moment you’ll see me bursting (and I mean bursting) with energy and the next moment I’m all meek and behaved not because I’m tired but I’m just thinking. I love spontaneity but I hate surprises. I plan a lot, never really follows it but have it done just in the knick of time. I always want to stand out but blends perfectly well in a crowd. I am both the wallflower and the life of the party. I am a kid by heart (forever will be) but thinks mature for her age (or at least I would like to believe so). I dream big, I aim high, and I want to be best in whatever it is I choose to do. I never want to settle for the second best, because I always want to be the best. I am just competitive in nature which is not really so bad but that makes me weak in dealing with failures. I cry a lot, laugh a lot, sleep a lot, and talk a lot. I am both an introvert and extrovert. So what does that say about me? I am both at the extremes. I never want to settle in the middle. It’s either I’m too good, too loved or I’m too dumb or too hated.
I can get on your nerves at times because of my uncanny ability to annoy people (hey sorry!=P). I am a smooth talker so I easily get away with things. I am a crowd pleaser that sometimes I try too hard and will always be afraid that I am never going to be good enough. I am a leader but I know how to follow so that makes me a wonderful leader (hahaha). I always want things to go my way so that makes me a spoiled little brat. Also, I’m the jack of all trades but the master of none. I just want to do so many things but call myself one lazy pig. I am despised by many but loved by most.
But there will always be some things that most people would not know about you. I have always been labeled as “the chosen one” because people thought I had everything in life. That is so not true because I have a lot of insecurities in life. I appear to be that intimidating, brave and very confident girl but inside me is a weak heart. I just want to appear brave and happy all the time because I am expected to be. I wouldn’t ever want people to suspect that there’s something going wrong with my oh so perfect life as they would see it. But I admit it; I also want people to know that I am too is human just like them. I think sometimes they forget that part.
So I guess that’s enough to explain why I have two persons dwelling inside my body. Let me now describe my lighter side, the things I love doing. I really have this passion for writing. Writing is an outlet for me; it is where I vent out my emotions, my creative side, my artistic side. I did not want it to be my profession because I wouldn’t want to write for money. I want to write because I love doing it and nobody’s forcing me to. Someday I want to publish my own book but I hadn’t really thought about it yet. In God’s perfect time I would be able to plan about it.
I was so happy to have finally been enrolled in Psy1 as part of my GE for the ssp domain. On all four of my college application forms, BS Psychology had been my first option. And I ended up as a BS Economics student here at UPLB dealing with my least favorite subject of all, math. You know the saying that it’s not meant to be? I heard that consolation saying tons of times already. What I want to be in the next few years had been one of the most difficult decisions I made over the past months. I was just so torn. There was this crazy battle of prestigious schools and of the two prestigious professions, being a doctor and being a lawyer. And now that I am already on my sophomore year, I wouldn’t want to turn my back now. I will pursue being a lawyer if God permits me to be. And hopefully, I can finally say that yes, I have made the right choice.
So now, who am I again?
I am this crazy girl whose life is one big party. And yes, I love every bit of it. Though sometimes I would often daydream about me being a completely different person but that’s forgivable because humans in nature are never contented. I may never be contented with my life but there’s one thing I am sure of. I am blessed. I have a family who will always, always be behind my back no matter what. I have my beloved friends whom some of us have spent a solid 13 years of togetherness and growth as individuals. And I have this life. Out of the billions there are now, there is one life allotted for me. I am blessed to have been given a chance at it.
So now I have answered who I am right now. But I have a lifetime more ahead to write about who I will be. Whoever God wants me to be. I have an entire lifetime to work on that. And I should start about working on that…now.
=)Friday, June 22, 2007
things you do when you're sooo bored.
1. What do you say most when you're
trying not to curse?
+ pucca shells, pooh. mahilig ako sa cartoon character nuh? :))
2. Do you own a mp3 player?
+ yup
3. Which Person On Your Friends List Do
You Talk To The Most?
+ yung mga nasa featured friends ng friendster ko. and then some.
4. What Time Is Your Alarm Clock Set
+ 6:45am
5. Do You Want To Fall In Love?
+ yes
6. Do You Wear Flip-Flops When It's
+ yes. ulitimate tsinelas queen ako eh. hahaha.
7. Would You Rather Take The Picture
Or Be In The Picture?
+ AHAHAHAHA. OBVIOUS BA?! be in the picture. camwhore eh :)
8. What Was The Last Movie You
+ save the last dance2 on dvd. spidey3 on cinema (loser spidey pa lang napapanuod ko. hahaha.)
9. Do Any Of Your Friends Have
+ yes
10. Has Anyone Ever Called You Lazy?
+ HAHA. oo naman.
11. Do You Ever Take Medication To
Help You Fall Asleep?
+ nope. sleeping's my best-est sport.
12. What CD Is Currently In Your CD
+ paramita
13. Do You Prefer Regular Or Chocolate
+ chocolate milk
14. Has Anyone Told You A Secret This
+ yata?
15. When Was The Last Time You Had
+ sorry walang starbucks sa lugar ko ngayon eh. haha.
16. Can You Whistle?
+ nagpapanggap. hahaha.
17. Do You Have A Trampoline In Your
Back Yard?
+ uyyy sosyal naman. hahaha.
18. Do You Think People Talk about you
behind your back?
+ oo
19. Did You Watch Cartoons As A Child?
+ yes
22. Is There Anything Wrong With Girls
Kissing Girls?
+ iccckkkk.
23. Do You Own Any Band T-Shirts?
+ uhmmm wala pa ata.
24. What Is Your Favorite Salad
+ wala. hahaha.
25. Is anyone in love with you?
+ oo naman! =x
26. Do You Do Your Own Dishes?
+ yes
27. Ever Cry In Public?
+ yes
29. Are You Currently Wanting Any
Piercings Or Tattoo?
+ nope
31. Would You Ever Date Anyone Covered
In Tattoos?
+ ickkkk. no.
32. What Did You Do Before This?
+ taong bahay.
33. When Was The Last Time You Slept
On The Floor?
+ i can't remember
34. How Many Hours Of Sleep Do You
Need To Function?
+ 6 i guess
35. Do You Eat Breakfast Daily?
+ yes
37. What are you doing right now?
+ answering this
38. Do you use sarcasm?
+ yes
39. Have you ever been in a fight?
+ yes
40. Are You Picky About Spelling And
+ yes
41. Have You Ever Been To Six Flags?
+ nadaanan lang. haha.
42. Have You Ever Gotten Beat up?
+ waaaht asa. hahaha.
43. Do You Get Along Better With The
Same Sex Or The Opposite?
+ pareho lang.
44. Do you like mustard?
+ no.
45. Do You Sleep On Your Side,
Stomach, Or Back?
+ kahit ano. :P
46. Do You Watch The News?
+ yes sometimes
47. How Did You Get One Of Your Scars?
+ malikot ako nung bata eh.
48. Who Was The Last Person To Make
You Mad?
50. What Is The Last Thing You
+ i photocopied some lecture so i guess that.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
back in LB.
school girl na ako ulit. yiheeeeeeeee.
aral mode ako. ok.
Friday, June 15, 2007
finally reg!
here's my sched for the 1st sem:
Time | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
7-8 | | | | | | |
8-9 | STAT 1 | ECON 101 | STAT 1 | ECON 101 | | |
9-10 | | ECON 101 | | ECON 101 | | |
10-11 | STAT 1 (lab) | | | | | |
11-12 | STAT 1 (lab) | | | | | |
12-1 | STAT 1 (lab) | | | | | |
1-2 | PSY 1 | PE 2-FVB | PSY 1 | PE 2-FVB | | |
2-3 | PSY 1 | MGT 101 | PSY 1 | MGT 101 | | |
3-4 | POSC 1 | MGT 101 | POSC 1 | MGT 101 | | |
4-5 | | ECON 102 | | ECON 102 | | |
5-6 | | ECON 102 | | ECON 102 | | |
6-7 | | | | | | |
it is not really that oh so super loaded. but it's wayyyy loaded than my sched last sem. kaya nga ako naging baboy last sem eh super puro breaks kaya ako nun. super literal kain,tuloy lang talaga. =)) i don't have any classes on a friday so friday is a rest/assignment or project or paper/meeting day. and movie marathon day as well! :) haha.
since febby's in diliman na, we have two new housemates, DADA and ARCHIE. welcome to la ville sorority! HAHAHA. AS IF. =)) that makes us four, so that makes us louder, crazier and did i say louder and crazier? ;)
so hello to being a SOPHOMORE! haha. hopefully higher grades because i have no more 5 unit/nosebleeding/head aching/life destroying math na. stat nalang. yes thank you Lord take one lahat. hahaha. i'll miss super bulok na math bldg.
so hey let's go let's fight! start the school year right!
(rhyming HAHA.)
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
today i was in diliman.
tomorrow i will be back again in LB.
nawiwili ako sa all caps ah. haha.
feeling taga katips ako today! haha. UPdiliman, to classy Areneyow. i get to enter pa gonzaga bldg at makita ang publication room ng matanglawin. haha. cool! di pa implemented yung no id no entry ng areneyow eh. i was with my super best friends all day and as usual, super riot. lumilindol sa world chicken. for real. hahaha. sa kaingayan namin. :)
and it could have been that way for the rest of my college life but i opted to stay in LB. :( sometimes, what makes you happy is not what's best for you. and it's truly painful to accept. in life, there would always be reasons and purpose for whatever decision you make and you just have to face it. accept it. deal with it. live with it. i know in time i will be able to say that i am proud to be from UPLB.
3 taon nalang. maging masaya ka kriselle! maging masaya ka! hahaha.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
so that i could enroll on the 14th.
please cancel your slots either on hum2 or psy1. :)
reunion na naman ng gensan tonight. riot na naman yun.
huling hirit bago magpasukan!
oh yessss!
whenever i am with my gensan friends, i just feel... happy. :)
so at home.
so comfortable.
so fun.
so floating on air happy.
parang drugs.
hey people, for you to get high no need for drugs, or for alcohol.
just find some real friends.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
and then some.
i have earned 1 GE subject, Posc1 (political science1) and i have reserved the PE class which is volleyball!
and as i go to church tonight, i shall be praying to get one of the subjs that i am put on waitlist. please. isa nalang talaga. :) either psy1 or hum2 i'd be happy na. super. :)
i do not have any classes on a friday BUT i have cwts2 classes on saturdays. i am not very happy about that. well on the brighter side, some of my cwts1 friends are also on the same class with me for cwts2 so i'd guess that would be fun.
still saturdays in los baños??? or wherever we will be assigned.
friday nights would not be my most anticipated time of the week anymore.
i won't be sleeping much tonight.
and it is already 3:17 AM.
enlistment as what they have described it is hell.
more than 1000 students are logged in all at the same time just a few hours ago. just imagine how freakin' slow it was. it was so frustrating. mentally and emotionally and physically tiring. (hey i'm not kidding.)
but thank goodness i was able to enlist at this very moment. FINALLY! i just hope that i would get the slots. i just need two more GE's. two more. please please please pretty pretty please.
and you know what's keeping me awake, i do not have any classes on a friday! yipeeeeeeee. well i don't know the case for CWTS2 'cause it is still to be announced. please make it monday 4-7. i'd be soooooooo happy. =) i could go home by thursday night! amazing! :D
well. i do not want to set my hopes so high. i still have to wait if i earned that 2 more subjects. or else. prerog. just reading it makes me cringe. bad memories. bad memories.
right now there's nothing else i could do but wait.
and wait some more.
Friday, June 08, 2007

happy 2nd birthday to justin. :) (june 06' 07)
and happy 23rd birthday to my big bro. :) (june 07'07)
ay wala pala tayong picture nung birthday mo. hahaha.
technically if they were both born in the philippines they have the same birthday. :P
tracky's in HK and i'm so jealous.
my brother's in Cebu and Bohol and i'm so jealous too.
school starts in a few more days.
and final na.
UPLB here i come.
i'm sorry i didn't fell inlove with the place/campus as much as most of you did so please don't hate me for that. ok ok ok? =) my heart is with the people in katipunan.
advance happy birthday to cj and karen! and belated to anne!
daming celebrants.
parteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh. =)
Saturday, June 02, 2007
the attack of the j-people.
jolly na jolly.
sobrang jologs pare. sarapppp! =)) pinagtitinginan kami!
custom timer + sequence mode = super camwhoreness.

more pics on my multiply! :)
sana kung hindi umulan ng malakas mas marami sana kami. :( ohwell.
at feeling ko may mga nagbabasa naman ng blog ko! wow i'm super dee duper happy. =D sayang hindi ko kilala kung sino kayo. haha. ohwell salamat sa pagbisita at sa pagtitiyagang mag basa ng mga kaartehan ko sa buhay. :) (or bored lang talaga kayo nuh? haha. salamat pa rin!)
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